I challenge those reading to make a deck with this same goal and see how close we can get to making a deck with 100 winrate The Strategy Insane deck That wins 93 of the time in my trials test it out in play tester if your doubtful The strategy to win the game is simple mulligan until you get a hand with a wheel effect and some leftover

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Forced 100 winrate right in front of your eyes all my victories the enemies played like bots and as soon as I win next game my team is filled with gods of pvp arazoth7290 November 17 2024 solo queue and play minimum 5 matchesday including weekends show your rating then 7 days later from start to end rating you got Show including all

The possibility of a 100 winrate strategy is nearly impossible because of market forces Your strategy is always in a cycle of creation and destruction where your advantage is either actively being created or destroyed If you want to simultaneously make big profits AND achieve a high winrate you need a dynamic strategy that takes into


100 win rate is possible Forex Factory

Winrate 100% Protogel176

Winning Percentage Calculator

nah man its not possible whatever software or strategy you use 100 win rate is something that many traders strive for but I presume 1 of them eventually get it only if you trade small volumes and open orders for like a couple of seconds when the price just budges a bit there are chances to get only green positions in trading history

100 winrate trading system in MetaTrader 4 refers to an EA or strategy claiming perfection in the execution of only profitable trades These systems are sold as automated solutions using advanced algorithms to ensure a continuous delivery of winning trades

Plat winrate has been normalized to 50 since Lolalytics does have a small but recorded skew towards higher winrates Yaxis is the 1trick winrate xaxis is the Plat winrate The size of the dots represent the Plat pick rate and the color of the dots represent the Plat banrate red for high yellow for medium green for low


Imagine this hypothethical scenario You play 50 games from Bronze to Gold winning 40 games for a 80 winrate and getting to Platinum Next you play 50 games in Platinum winning 25 games for a 50 winrate You have played 100 games in total winning 65 of them Does that mean you are a 65 winrate Platinum 1 player that is about to hit

Winrate 100% Protogel176

SUCCESSFUL ACTIVE 100 WIN RATE COMBO DRYTRON POST BANLIST 2025 SUCCESSFUL ACTIVE 100 WIN RATE COMBO DRYTRON POST BANLIST 2025 khanh3513 1 Comments 102 Views Uploaded 6 days ago Master Duel Decks Drytron Cyber Angel Destiny HERO 44 TCGplayer 13970 Cardmarket 14698 90 360 510 810 Purchase

If on the other hand you want to include ties into the whole calculation the formula gets a bit more complicated It is usually assumed that a tie is worth the same as 12 of a winIn such a case you can use our percentage calculator or evaluate the percentage by hand in the following way winning percentage wins 05 ties games

Proof of forced 100 winrate Guild Wars 2 Forums

People dont understand how winrates work rleagueoflegends Reddit

Graphics Onetrick winrates for every champion except Tahm Reddit

100 win rate strategy idk rDaytrading Reddit